Donate from your Pay
Workplace Giving is a simple way to donate to charities direct from your pay, and get your donations matched. Most companies match donations, so you could double your impact, giving your charity even more support!
* We are constantly adding new organisations to this list.
If your employer isn't listed here yet, please donate
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Winter Raffle
St Vincent de Paul Red Hill/Rosalie Conference's
Winter Raffle
Please support our Winter Appeal by purchasing a ticket in the annual Winter Raffle. All proceeds go to supporting those in need in our local community.
- $5 per ticket
- $20 for five tickets
- $40 for a book of ten tickets
Prize pool:
Click here to buy tickets by making a secure online credit card purchase. We will send you tickets to match your purchase amount (for example: for $10 you will receive 2 tickets, for $30 you will receive 7 tickets, etc).
Raffle drawn Monday August 4th , 2014.
Thanks so much for your support!
St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland
The St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) assists more than 296,000 Queenslanders in need with more than $25 million worth of assistance.
Everyday Vinnies’ 9,468 members and volunteers help those who are struggling to take control of their lives whilst restoring their dignity; providing a hand up, not just a hand out. The type of support delivered differs from region to region by but may include: Vinnies shops, support centres, child and family programs, drug and alcohol support, migrant and refugee support, home visitation and youth programs. It’s only with the help of fundraisers generous supporters like you that we are able to make a real difference to those in need. Thank you for your kind support!